What's going on my people its been a while since I posted anything and so I had to get back and speak what was on my heart. I love my people and what I say is out of love. I pray that everyone I know is saved and living their life in Christ.
When I was watching the media day at the superbowl and seen the Marshawn Lynch interview I was like Marshawn does have a point. We got to be about that action like Marshawn Lynch said. Many people post scriptures on Facebook, but who actully is doing what scripture says? Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says (James 1:22). God wants you us to take action on what the bible says because if we don't then the bible is just another book. When we become saved Jesus will start working from the inside out, changing your spirit man. Our spirit is what is born again when we get saved and our flesh will constatly try to battle the new spirit man. The title of my blog touches on this also, The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. We have got to kill that flesh and be led by the spirit. The apostle Paul says: Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:24-25). We have to take action people even at church you may hear a good sermon and if you do not take action on it you are still at square one.
Our flesh is emotianlly driven, what feels good, and what makes sense in our own minds. I have also noticed that following the flesh is the easy route and what the majority of people are doing. The majority of people are drinking, smoking, having premarital sex, and turning up. We have got to kill that and let and let God. Let Jesus begin to work from the inside and let the Holy spirit begin to guide our steps. We must give the Holy spirit control of our lives following his lead and have our flesh submit to our spirit man. Also trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not unto our own understandings (the flesh).
With all that said I have to go back to my boy Marshawn, be about that action Christians. I love ya'll and may God Bless YOU!!!