Monday, November 24, 2014

The Battle within.

Today I wanted to talk about the battle within. Galatians 5:16-17 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. When we are born again in Christ our spirit becomes new but our flesh remains the same.  We have to recognize that this will be a constant battle between flesh and spirit. When we are led by the spirit we put our FAITH in God and trust that he direct us. When we let our flesh run things we disregard God and do what we want to do.

Our flesh consists of our emotions, feelings, and senses. If I like the feeling that drugs and alcohol gives me my flesh will say if it feels good do your thing. If I see an attractive woman, my flesh would say go holla at her even though your married. The mind is also a major part of the flesh and how a man thinks can also become why a man is led by his flesh. The bible says the way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice. If someone thinks they are right in their own eyes you can't tell them anything. The flesh is the easy way to live, everyone is doing it and  is also glorified everyday through television and media. God wants us to be led by the Holy Spirit and that takes sacrafice. If we are his children we have got to start acting like it.

Heaven is above earth so the ways of heaven are greater than the ways of earth. God is spirit which is eternal and we were made in his image and our flesh is only temporary. The Holy Spirit represents the Kingdom of heaven and our flesh represents the world. We have to be lead by the Holy Spirit and not ourselves. The apostle Paul says those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. We have to become dead to the world and alive in Christ. Jesus said the gate is narrow abd the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. Choose LIFE my people and be led by the Holy Spirit, not DEATH by following the desires of the flesh. May God Bless!!

Lawrence J Leary

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Relationship with GOD.

Its been a while since I have written anything so I decided to get back to it. I am going to start off by saying God wants a love relationship with his children. We understand relationships with our own children what it takes to build a strong relationship. When we become saved we then become Gods children and we now are adopted into the family through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Now that we are in the new royal family we have to build that new relationship. We were in the world and did not know the ways of our Father in heaven. Our old familiy was that of the world. We could do whatever we wanted in our old family. As christians we have to establish a relationship with Jesus Christ and through Christ we have access to the Father. A relationship doesn't mean once a week for an hour or two, it is everyday. We can't keep looking back at the old family where our daddy (the devil) let us do whatever we wanted. We have to get into the word of God for ourselves, talk to our father through prayer, and just get back to loving on another. We then begin to build a relationship in our new family and walk according to our fathers will and not our own.

God Bless!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Life or Death?

The bible says in Romans 6:23 that the wages of sin is DEATH. When I first read this I didn't fully understand it because we are born sinners and  what was God trying to tell me in this verse because how I was living wasn't causing me to die. I use to be out there kicking it and doing my thing. I was the biggest sinner and still alive so what was the bible talking about?

I had to go back to God's Word for answers. In Genesis God created man in his own image. The first man Adam had flesh but also had a spirit that was breathed in him by God. The spirit is also eternal like God because he made our spirit like his own likeness. As for our flesh it will die and when we do our spirit goes back to God. This is where the wages of sin comes to play. When our spirit goes back to God we will be held accountable for everything we did on earth while we were living. Have you ever sinned in your lifetime? God's law also states if you break one law you break them all James 2:10. God does not know sin and in his court of spiritial law the wages of sin is death.This is the second death of your spirit which only God can destroy. We can't stand before a Holy God as a sinful man and think we can win our case.

God already knew that all have sinned and fall short of his glory so he gave us a way to be redeemed. He sent his son Jesus who died for sins and paid for our debts with his blood. Jesus said in John 14:6 “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."Now when we go before the God for judgment, he now sees his son Jesus in us and we are seen as righteous the case is thrown out. Jesus gives us eternal LIFE and if we choose to live in sin and reject Jesus you choose an eternal death. Choose LIFE my people and that is through Jesus Christ.

God Bless!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

About that action Christians.

What's going on my people its been a while since I posted anything and so I had to get back and speak what was on my heart. I love my people and what I say is out of love. I pray that everyone I know is saved and living their life in Christ.

When I was watching the media day at the superbowl and seen the Marshawn Lynch interview I was like Marshawn does have a point. We got to be about that action like Marshawn Lynch said. Many people post scriptures on Facebook, but who actully is doing what scripture says? Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says (James 1:22). God wants you us to take action on what the bible says because if we don't then the bible is just another book. When we become saved Jesus will start working from the inside out, changing your spirit man. Our spirit is what is born again when we get saved and our flesh will constatly try to battle the new spirit man. The title of my blog touches on this also, The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. We have got to kill that flesh and be led by the spirit. The apostle Paul says: Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:24-25). We have to take action people even at church you may hear a good sermon and if you do not take action on it you are still at square one. 

Our flesh is emotianlly driven, what feels good, and what makes sense in our own minds. I have also noticed that following the flesh is the easy route and what the majority of people are doing. The majority of people are drinking, smoking, having premarital sex, and turning up. We have got to kill that and let and let God. Let Jesus begin to work from the inside and let the Holy spirit begin to guide our steps. We must give the Holy spirit control of our lives following his lead and have our flesh submit to our spirit man. Also trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not unto our own understandings (the flesh).

With all that said I have to go back to my boy Marshawn, be about that action Christians. I love ya'll and may God Bless YOU!!!


Saturday, July 26, 2014

God is the only one to FEAR.

Man as I look back on just the life of this blog I just want to thank God for using me.  The Holy Spirit led me to start writing this blog to lead the lost to Jesus. I don't know who has been lead to Christ, read this blog, or even re-committed themselves back to the Lord but it doesn't matter. The seed has been planted and only time will tell what seed got planted in fertile ground or if a raven snatched up that seed as soon as it fell. My job is just to sow the seed and spread the good news of the gospel and let The Holy Spirit do the work in your lives. Glory be to God!!!

The FEAR of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction Proverbs 1:7. So when I read that I see as if you fear God you begin to get knowledge and the fool doesn't want to hear instruction. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding Proverbs 3:5. God also wants you to TRUST him with our hearts because he knows we have no idea about true knowledge and wisdom. Our society has no FEAR of God because people are living in sin, there is no remorse and people are not REPENTING for their sins, and society would rather turn up than turn to Christ. Jesus said in Mattew 10:28 and FEAR not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather FEAR him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Only God can destroy both body and soul. Hell wasn't originally made for man, it was for the devil and his fallen angels and when you choose to live in sin you choose the same fate as the devil. Be smart my people because the FEAR of God is the beginning of knowledge. You do not want to be on the other side of Gods wrath it would be foolish.

I  am going to end this message on a good note and a way to Salvation, so I will leave you with this vese. If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God. And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.  This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 15:18. We cannot get that PERFECT love without Jesus. Love cast out FEAR.

May God Bless!!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Do you really LOVE the Lord?

Do you really love the Lord that is the question? Yes I did and as a child I had all the love in my heart. I got saved when I was 12 at the AWANA program in Steilacoom at that church next to Albertsons and in my twenties I soon began to fall away from the Lord. I loved making money, kicking it with my homies, and getting females. Did I really love the Lord? I though since I was saved and that justified loving the Lord. In truth I didn't love the Lord, I loved the world. I loved doing what I wanted to do,  I loved kicking it, and loved making money. I still was a Christian going through struggles and living the double minded. Proffessing a love for Jesus but doing a total opposite of what he preaches. You know the saying actions speak louder than words is so true. With my actions I was pledging my alligence with the devil.  I was a blinded prisoner of the devil that was lost and my love for the things of the world  was stronger than my love for Jesus.

Our God is good and Jesus never left my side. The holy spirit began working in me and the things that I loved before wouldn't interest me anymore. When I did partake the holy spirit would convict me and I would feel bad after. I soon began to read the word, study great evangalists, and even write down some of my thoughts. God began to take the blindfolds off my eyes and break the shackles off my hands. I looked at bible verses like Mattew 22:37 which states the greatest commandment is to love the Lord with all your heart and John 14:15 which Jesus says if you love me keep my commandments. These two verses inspired me to write this post, God showed me that I am a sinner and I must ask for forgiveness. We all fall short of Gods glory, we must repent for our sins and keep the Lord Jesus Christs commandments. By keeping the Lords commandmends we show our love for the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you really love the Lord?

May God Bless!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

No middle ground.

What's going on everyone today the Holy Spirit has lead me to talk about middle ground. The subject of middle ground caught my attention and I noticed several people believe that there actually is a middle ground. The Jesus states in Mathew 12:30 that if you are not for him then you are against him. Many have been lead astray by the lies of the enemy. The devil wants you to believe that there are many roads that lead to God or that if you be a good person that is enough to get you to Heaven and that there is a middle ground to stand on. My people DO NOT BELIEVE THE LIE. If you do believe some of the lies that are out there you choose to side with the enemy. I look at biblical history and look at Eve. She lived in paradise talked with GOD and had dominion over all living creatures but her downfall was that she believed a LIE of the devil which made her rebell against God. Could you imagine talking to GOD everyday and still get tricked into believing a LIE. Man that was in the beginning and in our time there are so many lies out there it is much easier for people to get led astray. Jesus is the TRUTH, the WAY, and the LIFE. There is no middle ground, you are either with Jesus or against him. Man I love my people and if you do not have a relationship with Jesus and accepted him as your Lord and Savior now is the time. Don't keep standing on that middle ground my friends.  Feel free to message me or call if you need prayer. God Bless!!!

Monday, June 9, 2014

We are all going through it.

As I continue to talk to others about the Lord I begin to hear a common theme on why they are not saved. People tend to look at Christians and think once we are saved we don't go through the same struggle as those who are not saved go through. Our flesh is still part of us and we all have battles we are going dealing with until Jesus returns.  Are you ready for spiritual war? Ready or not we were all born in it and battle everyday between the flesh and the spirit.

The enemy continues to fool the world, we must break the cycle of LIES and believe the Truth which is Jesus Christ. Like I said before we are all going through battles and the LIE that those who are not saved continue to believe is that of our Salvation. What Salvation is defined as is DELIVERANCE from sin and its consequences by faith in Jesus Christ. For example Bill may see his friend John at local bar. Bill is unsaved and John is saved. John has been battling alcohol addiction for years and continues to struggle to the hold the enemy has on him. John is saved so he is covered in the Blood of Christ. His sins in the past, present, and future are already forgiven through Jesus Christ. John's Salvation was paid for once Jesus died on the cross and John put his faith in Jesus. Bill sees John at the bar and knows John is a Christian. This is where the enemy begins to work to Bill believes the LIE. Bill says to himself that is why I don't go to church and am not saved. I see John over here at the bar today and then at church on Sunday. Bill is believing the LIE of the enemy on Salvation. Bill sees John and says to himself John is at the same bar I am at so what is the difference. Bill only sees in the flesh and doesn't see in the spirit. Bill would rather continue doing things on his own and not getting help from The Lord. He would rather believe a LIE of the enemy than accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Bill looks at John and finds a reason to justify why he isn't saved, he also is willing to risk his own Salvation because he believes a LIE. I have to come back to Ephesians 6:12, our battle is not flesh and blood it is with powers of darkness in Heavenly Places, so Bill is fighting a enemy he can't even see. He is seeing with the fleshly eyes to justify matters of the spirit. The Holy Spirit fights the battle for us in the Heavenly places and is a gift that God gives freely to all his children. The Holy Spirit lives in John tries to guide him in the right direction and leads him to asking The Lord for forgivness of his sins.

The point of the story that we ALL are gonna go through it until Jesus returns. We ALL battle everday with our flesh and spirit.It is all about your relationship with God. Whatever Christians and non Christians are doing is between them and God alone. Who are we to judge? Whether you believe in the devil or not he is still gonna attack you Christian or not.  Don't be like Bill, put your FAITH in Jesus Christ and get the gift of Salvation. If anyone need prayer I am availible just shoot me a message. Let the road to Salvation start today. May God Bless!!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Tomorrow is not Promised.

I have decided to take a break in my testimony and write about what I am feeling today because it aint about me it's about Jesus. I was thinking on what to write about and The Holy Spirit said Tomorrow is not Promised. I love all my peoples and if you know me, talked to me, or just friended me on this Facebook I want to see you in Heaven when I get there. I don't want to get there see all my people and say where is so and so or what happened to my boy. Tomorrow is not promised so we must live each day to the fullest but in order to live life to the fullest we need our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The devil is a liar and has fooled people into believing a life without Jesus can be great. Some have successful lives and think that since they have a good life they do not need Jesus. Jesus died for you and me but if we do not accept him as our Lord and Savior then he died in vain. We are dealing with a defeated enemy who will do whatever it takes to bring anyone down with him. Do not believe the LIE the devil is spitting in your ears. If you know me and are not saved Jesus Loves you and wants a relationship with you. I love you and want to see you in Paradise were we will celebrate the victory together.

If you are reading this and are not saved send me a message and I will pray with you. Tomorrow is not promised and you need Jesus today. God Bless!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

My testimony part 6.

I took some time off from writing and started hitting the books. I hit the Word hard and also read a few other books on spirituallity. As I read I began to give glory to God, he gave me a way when there was no way. God became my refuge in the time in my life where it seemed like I lost it all. The Lord now also has given me some answers to what was going on in my life. God is good all the time and I love him with all my heart and soul.

Now my story continues and I want to start off by saying the devil is a lie. Again we are not battling flesh and blood but principalities, against powers, against rulers of darkness, and against wickedness in heavenly places Eph 6:12. This is one of my favorite bible verses and was soon caught up working with these forces of darkness that I despised. I never thought that if you were saved and babtized you can become possesed or oppressed. These evil forces at work can bind the saved as well as the unsaved if you leave a door open for them to operate in. In my case I had a strong love for Lord and prayed for spiritual gifts. I read in corinthians as Christians we should ask for spiritual gifts to help build the body of Christ. I prayed and prayed  then soon some gifts started to manefest themself. That is where the enemy used my spirituallity against me, since I wanted the gifts so bad when the gifts came I thought they were from God because they were supernatural in nature. I didn't question it and that is just one way the enemy slid their way in my life and began to bind me. I thought my gifts were coming from God but in fact they were coming from the enemy. I believed God had answered my prayers but at the same time I began to feel emotions that were not of mine. I would get angry alot more and also had the feeling of being above the law. Where were these feelings coming from?  The enemy was gaining more ground in my life slowly binding me and affecting my emotions.

They say with knowledge comes responsibilities and it is soo true. I thought I knew soo much, but when you are dealing with the spiritual realm I knew nothing. The enemy will use emotions, desires, and anything else to find their way in our lives and keep us bound to the sins of our flesh. We have to trust in the Lord and let the Holy Spirit do the battling for us. Glory be to God and I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for breaking the bond that the devil had on me. I was blind and now I see, so my story continues. God Bless!!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

My testimony part 5.

I was going through alot and nobody understood what was happening. Something was triggered in my life and I was given the ability to receive the spiritual gifts I had prayed for. The gifts that I had been given we specific for me and everyday I was moving in the spirit. My family has no history of mental illness but all of a sudden I was given the tag of being bi-polar. I learned that people tend to fear what they don't understand and at this point nobody definately understood me.

The war was going on in the heavenly places and it seemed they were all out to get me. The spirit gave me the ability to see the demonic activities that were going on with music and television especially. I remember turning on the tv and flipping it to Jerry Springer and seeing several of the guests on that show who were demon possesed. All those stories on that show promoted multiple partners and now it made sense why. I would turn it to MTV and watch a video and see some of the biggest stars possesed. The videos were just tools they used to influence the masses to spread their evil message. It was like a modern day sort of witchcraft or spell which people were blinded to because all they seen was their favorite star or was singing their favorite song. Again from what I saw I would try to talk to others about it but they would not listen, it began to get frustrating. At the time I was slowly trying to wheen off the remaining secular music that I had left and transition into more positive music. My music was the hardest thing for me to give up, I quit smoking cold turkey as well as drinking. Music was different, I just couldn't give it up like that  and it had a hold on me. I I left that door open in my life for the enemy to slide right in.

The road for me now begins to turn downhill because I soon became what I was battling. All the talking I did was on deaf ears and soon began to walk on the darkside. It was the easiest course of action so I took it. I began to run with the enemy. I gave up because the battle seemed too big for me. I still continued to pray and talk to the Lord but soon became overwhelmed by what I was seeing in the spiritual realm. Writing about last year the more I write the more I want to write more.  Even though plenty of bad things happened last year, I still learned from it and thank God that he brought me through it and never left my side. My story continues and I will keep everyone posted. May God Bless you all!!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

My testimony part 4

At this point in my life everyone is panicking around me. I was still being completely guided by the Holy Spirit and everyday I would see the world for what it really was. I let go of all that I cared for in order to follow the Lord. I walked out on my job in order to free myself to do the Lords work full time. I couldn't function without help from the spirit because I still was living each day with the ability to see in the spiritual realm. I felt the Lords presence all times and he gave me peace in these times of confusion. My life became completely out of balance and I was loosing my sense of reality.  Everyday I would see things of the supernatural and this soon affected what was going on in the natural.

Everyone thought I was going crazy but did not understand what I was going through. My wife began to panic because I walked out of my job and began to do things that were out of character. People around me began to worry about me also everyone seemed to be an expert on what was going on with me. The enemy was hard at work trying to break my mind down. For me it felt like Jesus could come back at anytime. I was seeing evil spirits, fallen angels, and who knows what else.  The Lord gave me the ability to understand this spiritual war but I did not trust in him to fight for me. Evil spirits were all around and had stronghold on my family and friends.

As I look back on what happened last year in my life I want to say thank you to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for bringing me out of the depths of darkness and back into the light. I thank you for the bad as well as the good and opening my eyes to the truth of this world. I thank God for putting me through these trials which brought me even closer to him and taught me to put my complete trust in him in everything I do. I got much more to talk about and will post more soon. All glory be to God and may God bless you all.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

My testimony part 3.

At this point in my life I was living all out spiritual warfare. I now understood the spiritual gift that God had placed in my life. I would see good and evil spirits every from church to the corner store and even would smell sulfur when demons presence was nearby. I now was living life under a new set of rules and regulations that I had no idea how to operate.  I didn't trust in the holy spirit to guide me in my times of need and battle for me in these heavenly places. I also began to regress on the man I had become and revert back to the man I use to be in my younger days. I was a walking talking contradiction and read the bible but did not apply anything I learned in the WORD.

With all this going all my mental state was deteriorating and the enemy was in full assault on getting my mind. I began to fight back the enemy which was a spirit in the flesh. I knew the verse the apostle Paul said that we do not fight flesh and blood but I still fought anyway. When I would sense evil spirit in people I would attack. From people at work, to friends, to family, and even the police I feared no man but God and attacked whenever I would sense the enemy. That attitude got me into trouble fast and soon was in conflict with family and the law. Nobody understood what I was going through, I seen it as a spiritual awakening and the spiritual gifts that God promised were now a reality. Others seen me as crazy, mentally unstable, and bipolar.
I am going to end it today and want to say that when Jesus walked he was constantly casting demons out of people. We read the stories in the bible and sometimes feel it cant happen in our times. God showed me the ugliness of this world, demons are still possessing people and keeping people away from the blessings that God has promised us. History repeats itself and though times have changed the enemy is still at work in our day trying to steer us away from Gods blessings. Time is running out and we have to accept Christ as our Savior. Be baptized and receive the wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit who does the batting for us in these heavenly places. The war for our souls is REAL and it time to get on the winning team with Jesus Christ. May God Bless you all!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My testimony part 2.

My life was going downhill fast and I was also loosing my sense of reality. I was like a fish out of water that was trying to walk. I began scaring the my friends and family with some of my behavior. I began to chain smoke cigaretts and also began to smoke weed as well. I also started drinking again and  also began to give in to my flesh while enjoying the moment. All that I had learned was out the door, I soon was becoming under the influence of drugs and alcohol but also spiritual forces as well. I was loosing the spiritual war and was very weak mentally as well as physically.

Spiritual warfare was in full swing at this point. The world around me wasn't the same anymore and now the spiritual realm was a part of my everyday life. With friends and family I would often see evil spirits influencing their lives and it was all around me. My eyes were opened and my spiritual senses were heightened. I was in Tacoma but it wasn't Tacoma anymore.

The apostle Paul said we do not fight flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spirituall wickednes in high places. This bible verse is one of my favorites because I was living it, God revealed to me the spiritual realm and he gave me the abilty to see the truth about whats going on in our world today.  As I talked to people about it they thought I was crazy and did not understand what I was talking about. I soon began to talk to everyone about the Lord because in what I was seeing I felt that time is running out. The more I talked about the Lord the more the spiritual attacks increased.

Thats it for today and will post more later on this week. May God Bless You!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

My testimony part 1.

Last year was one of the hardest years in my life. I was tested at every level that I could imagine from my faith, from my family, and from my friends. As I look back at last year I see myself as being highly unbalanced in what I did each day. I was searching for God like no other, constantly reading books, watching videos online, and studying for hours on end. While working out of town I wouldn't get much sleep but continues my relentless quest to be holy. I had a drive to get wisdom about the Lord did whatever I could receive more knowledge. Again I neglected my family, first chasing the dollar at work and secondly consuming myself with learning about the Lord. With the lack of sleep, overworking, and doing waay to much on my days off I began to slowly but surely loose my mind.

As I continued to study I began to study less about the Lord and soon began to research about the fallen angels, demons, and also the Illuminati. I though I was doing the right thing but I was giving the enemy too much credit and loosing focus on Jesus Christ.  I continued on my path and I soon began to see things in a different light, the supernatural world was becoming more of a reality in my life. I soon was in an all out spiritual war. I was able to sense evil in people as well as the good. My eyes were open and my spiritual senses were heightened. This is when my troubles began.

 Everyday I was living out this spiritual battle and was also getting further away from God. I was becoming lost it felt like I was going to war with no ammo. I prayed to god everyday but didn't trust in him to fight the battle for me. I still read scripture but did not apply anything I read in my life. I thought I could do everything on my own. My mental state was also getting weaker, with the lack of sleep and being constantly on the move I was getting overwhelmed. I was losing the spiritual war and was trying to study the enemy but slowly was becoming what I despised. I was also having terrible nightmares which added to my lack of sleep. I was going downhill fast and this was just the beginning of my hard aches of 2013.  

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Holy Spirit fights for us.

We are constantly being distracted at all angles. God has promised us his blessings but we are unable to get to them due to the distractions that occur in our everyday lives. It is not a coincedence that these smart phones and tablets are coming our faster than you can blink. There is a reson why these social media and internet meeting places are so addictive. The enemy attacking us and wants us to stay lost and caught up with the pleasures of the world.  We are being attacked in heavenly places and need power of The Holy Spirit to be able to fight back.

So many people have to see things before they believe them, when Jesus was alive he showed the people miricles that have never been seen before and they still killed him. Now a days we have nothing like that when Chist walked on earth so many of us have to live on blind faith. What we see in our everyday lives and on tv is keeping us distracted and further away from the Lord. I have been learning to put my complete trust in him and believe what he said in his word is the truth.

We have to realize that there is a physical realm and a spiritual realm. There is a constant battle that is going on in the spiritual realm for our souls. The enemy wants us to believe that they do not exist and the more we keep that mindset the easier it is for the enemy to keep us away from God. We do our battling with the Holy Spirit which fights for us in the heavenly places. The Holy Spirit is a gift that Jesus promised all that believe him and are baptised. In today's society we need an outpouring of the Holy Spirit to bring the lost to Christ and also to fight the battle for us that many do not know is going on.
God Bless!!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Rise of Social Media and Technology.

Our generation is making history with our technology and social media. We have these smart phones that are like little computers that are fully equipped to handle any sort of business and back in biblical times they had what we would call primitive. Messages were carried by horseback, pigeons, and messengers and now we can send a messages all the way to Australia in seconds. With all of our technology there also comes with much more responsibilities and that is where the problem begins.

When I was younger I don't remember when I got my first phone and when I look around on the streets I see little 10 year old kids that have a better phone than me. Boy times have changed but I think to myself are they for the better? My kids are hooked too, they cant stay off of their phones till I tell them to disconnect. I am seeing a problem with the direction that society is moving in, when I go to restaurants and public events and see everyone enjoying their phone and not each other you know something aint right. These kids are loosing the art of communication and have spend most of their time building virtual relationships and not real ones. Does anyone else see this or is it just me? What is the world coming to? I am not feeling this new connectivity movement.

I want to get deep into how I feel but I want to hear what others feel about this subject first. Leave a message on my blog or Facebook page on what you feel. Thank You and God Bless!!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

More money more problems!

I remember that song more money more problems and never really understood the message in that phrase. The more money I made the more things I could buy and soon began to use money and the material things it brought to try to find happiness. My job as a conductor gave me the opportunity to make as much money as I wanted I just had to go and get it. I could work locally and make decent money or hit the road and ball out of control. Being a money motivated person at the time I decided to make as money as I could to try to find what I thought would make me happy.

Over the years I became more concerned with status, money, and success. I set goals for myself to gain material wealth and neglected what was going on at home with my family. I began to live to work and not work to live. My wife, kids, and friends got put on a back burner to my drive to be the best. During this time I still prayed to the lord everyday, attended church whenever I wasn't working, and also studied scriptures and other religious texts. Since my life was successful I felt that there was nothing wrong with what I was doing so I continued on my same path of greed and neglect. I already knew that money was the root of all evil but still loved making more. I was able to provide a good life for my wife and kids so that made me feel good about myself so I continued on. I thought I was on the right path but something was wrong. God had been trying to communicate with me but his message wasn't getting through. I had become a slave to money and let it dictate how I was living my life and the choices that were made in my families lives too. God had been trying to speak to me for a while but I didn't hear him. I feel that I was bound to money and that crossed the lines of communication between God and me. With continuing to study the word I though I was getting closer to god but actually I was getting further away.

God never gives up on his children and as I was stuck sitting at a hotel room  in Pasco after work, I began reading the new testament. As I read a scripture seemed to be talking directly to me, I read in the book of Mathew  chapter 6 verse 24 stood out which said that no one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” This time I heard loud and clear what the holy spirit was trying to tell me and now I began to hear what God had  been trying to communicate to me for all these years. Today God is breaking the bondage that  money had over my life. Listening to my Father in heaven and serving on him is what I plan on doing to achieve true happiness.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Depending on the Lord.

As I continue my walk with the Lord I am learning to be more completely dependent on him. As a husband and a father of three children my family is dependent on me for financial stability and I take pride in able to provide for my family. I don't want anyone in my household going without, I am to provide for my family as the Lord has provided for me. Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find. I treat the scripture as TRUTH and we are sometimes get  in the way of our own blessings that God promised.

I look back at my life and came to realize that God as provided everything that I asked for and then some. I asked for a wife and a family and I now have that, I asked for a great job and I now have that, and I also asked for a home for my family and he has also provided me with that.  On top of all those things he has also given me and my family good health along with a good head on our shoulders. As I look back and see all he has done for me I see over the years I have taken things God has provided for me for granted. I was thinking that I can do everything on my own and not being thankful for what I do have. I turned on the TV and seen what happened in the Philippines, people have no food, water, or shelter and don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. These people have nothing and not only in the Philippines, also in the third world counties people are thankful for everything have because they have nothing. God has blessed me and my family, I have to use the blessings that God has given me to bless others in need.

God has put me through trials and tribulations as he does us all, but each time he does it makes me stronger and brings me closer to him. I am beginning to understand more about that childlike faith when we come to him. Just as we provide for our children, we must come to God as his children because he promised that he will always provide.

God Bless!!!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Lords Work.

In 2014 I plan on committing myself to doing the Lords work. For years I have been trying to find my calling and asking God to lead me to what he wants of me. I have been praying for this for years and God has let me know what he wants of me.

I am very talented working with computers and can navigate extremely well on the internet. The holy spirit began to speak to me and said he gave me these talents for a reason and I could use the internet as a tool to do the Lords work. I recently just shut down all of my social media outlets because I fell that it was a distraction and was causing people to disconnect with real relationships. I noticed people tended to their virtual lives more than their real lives, children were hooked as well as adults and I didn't want to be a part of this world of connectivety. God began to speak to me and began to tell me that he created this world and all that is in it. I can use the internet to reach places and people I could never reach before to spead the good word about Jesus Christ. God told me to use the internet as a tool and not to abuse this gift. I must speak from the heart and just keep it real with this blog. If you do not know Jesus I want to talk to others about him and also lead them to him so they may be saved. I am not a preacher, pastor, or philosopher, I am just a simple man who has hopes and dreams for a bright future with Christ. If someone I know is not saved I want to talk to them and pray with them so they can also find Jesus Christ and be saved.

This year I am committed and with the strength of the Holy Spirit I will achieve the goals that I have in 2014. God is already working with me with this writing, I never wrote like this since I was in high school and now I am writing a couple of blog post and articles a week. I am learing to listen to God and let him guide my path while continuing to study the word for additional guidance. This year is the year of fullfillment and I can't wait to see the direction God takes me.

God Bless!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Years of Insanity.

As the new year begins I look back and see the constant pattern that has been going on in my life. Every year there are things that need to be changed every year and I have decided that that must change. As I continue to walk with the Lord I must lean on him for strength and stop trying to do things on my own. Year after year I have tried to do things on my own and nothing has changed. Each year I come up with a new years resolution that works for a couple of months and then I get back to my normal habit. I have to put my complete trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and lean on him for my strength and not myself or others. The years of insanity must come to an end, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. At first I didn't realize what I was doing,  as the years passed by I would continue to make new years resolutions not getting any results. Then the Holy Spirit showed me that I was just battling the flesh and I must trust in him wholeheartedly to live life and to live it abundantly.  Let go and let God is what I plan on doing to end the many years of insanity.

God Bless!!