At this point in my life I was living all out spiritual warfare. I now understood the spiritual gift that God had placed in my life. I would see good and evil spirits every from church to the corner store and even would smell sulfur when demons presence was nearby. I now was living life under a new set of rules and regulations that I had no idea how to operate. I didn't trust in the holy spirit to guide me in my times of need and battle for me in these heavenly places. I also began to regress on the man I had become and revert back to the man I use to be in my younger days. I was a walking talking contradiction and read the bible but did not apply anything I learned in the WORD.
With all this going all my mental state was deteriorating and the enemy was in full assault on getting my mind. I began to fight back the enemy which was a spirit in the flesh. I knew the verse the apostle Paul said that we do not fight flesh and blood but I still fought anyway. When I would sense evil spirit in people I would attack. From people at work, to friends, to family, and even the police I feared no man but God and attacked whenever I would sense the enemy. That attitude got me into trouble fast and soon was in conflict with family and the law. Nobody understood what I was going through, I seen it as a spiritual awakening and the spiritual gifts that God promised were now a reality. Others seen me as crazy, mentally unstable, and bipolar.
I am going to end it today and want to say that when Jesus walked he was constantly casting demons out of people. We read the stories in the bible and sometimes feel it cant happen in our times. God showed me the ugliness of this world, demons are still possessing people and keeping people away from the blessings that God has promised us. History repeats itself and though times have changed the enemy is still at work in our day trying to steer us away from Gods blessings. Time is running out and we have to accept Christ as our Savior. Be baptized and receive the wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit who does the batting for us in these heavenly places. The war for our souls is REAL and it time to get on the winning team with Jesus Christ. May God Bless you all!!
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