As I continue to talk to others about the Lord I begin to hear a common theme on why they are not saved. People tend to look at Christians and think once we are saved we don't go through the same struggle as those who are not saved go through. Our flesh is still part of us and we all have battles we are going dealing with until Jesus returns. Are you ready for spiritual war? Ready or not we were all born in it and battle everyday between the flesh and the spirit.
The enemy continues to fool the world, we must break the cycle of LIES and believe the Truth which is Jesus Christ. Like I said before we are all going through battles and the LIE that those who are not saved continue to believe is that of our Salvation. What Salvation is defined as is DELIVERANCE from sin and its consequences by faith in Jesus Christ. For example Bill may see his friend John at local bar. Bill is unsaved and John is saved. John has been battling alcohol addiction for years and continues to struggle to the hold the enemy has on him. John is saved so he is covered in the Blood of Christ. His sins in the past, present, and future are already forgiven through Jesus Christ. John's Salvation was paid for once Jesus died on the cross and John put his faith in Jesus. Bill sees John at the bar and knows John is a Christian. This is where the enemy begins to work to Bill believes the LIE. Bill says to himself that is why I don't go to church and am not saved. I see John over here at the bar today and then at church on Sunday. Bill is believing the LIE of the enemy on Salvation. Bill sees John and says to himself John is at the same bar I am at so what is the difference. Bill only sees in the flesh and doesn't see in the spirit. Bill would rather continue doing things on his own and not getting help from The Lord. He would rather believe a LIE of the enemy than accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Bill looks at John and finds a reason to justify why he isn't saved, he also is willing to risk his own Salvation because he believes a LIE. I have to come back to Ephesians 6:12, our battle is not flesh and blood it is with powers of darkness in Heavenly Places, so Bill is fighting a enemy he can't even see. He is seeing with the fleshly eyes to justify matters of the spirit. The Holy Spirit fights the battle for us in the Heavenly places and is a gift that God gives freely to all his children. The Holy Spirit lives in John tries to guide him in the right direction and leads him to asking The Lord for forgivness of his sins.
The point of the story that we ALL are gonna go through it until Jesus returns. We ALL battle everday with our flesh and spirit.It is all about your relationship with God. Whatever Christians and non Christians are doing is between them and God alone. Who are we to judge? Whether you believe in the devil or not he is still gonna attack you Christian or not. Don't be like Bill, put your FAITH in Jesus Christ and get the gift of Salvation. If anyone need prayer I am availible just shoot me a message. Let the road to Salvation start today. May God Bless!!
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