We are constantly being distracted at all angles. God has promised us his blessings but we are unable to get to them due to the distractions that occur in our everyday lives. It is not a coincedence that these smart phones and tablets are coming our faster than you can blink. There is a reson why these social media and internet meeting places are so addictive. The enemy attacking us and wants us to stay lost and caught up with the pleasures of the world. We are being attacked in heavenly places and need power of The Holy Spirit to be able to fight back.
So many people have to see things before they believe them, when Jesus was alive he showed the people miricles that have never been seen before and they still killed him. Now a days we have nothing like that when Chist walked on earth so many of us have to live on blind faith. What we see in our everyday lives and on tv is keeping us distracted and further away from the Lord. I have been learning to put my complete trust in him and believe what he said in his word is the truth.
We have to realize that there is a physical realm and a spiritual realm. There is a constant battle that is going on in the spiritual realm for our souls. The enemy wants us to believe that they do not exist and the more we keep that mindset the easier it is for the enemy to keep us away from God. We do our battling with the Holy Spirit which fights for us in the heavenly places. The Holy Spirit is a gift that Jesus promised all that believe him and are baptised. In today's society we need an outpouring of the Holy Spirit to bring the lost to Christ and also to fight the battle for us that many do not know is going on.
God Bless!!